Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Can Do All Things With Christ...

I hardly know where to start. That's partly because I've allowed too many days to pass since my last update, and in my world, a LOT has happened. I was released from the hospital on June 3rd, only 2 1/2 weeks after being admitted for the transplant. The normal stay for a bone marrow transplant is 3-4 weeks. Longer if you contract infections, reject the transplant etc...I was still throwing up and very weak when they released me. But, the wise doctor realized that I needed "a change of scenery". So glad he realized that..saved me the trouble of having to devise an escape plan:)

I don't want to focus too much on "what I've been through", but on what God did to reveal His protection and envolvement through this storm...still. God has started using my story in the most random ways to encourage people I have never met - that's what He's best at. One of my daughters was shopping this week and the store owner started telling her about her friend being treated for stage 4 cancer She has been given no hope and treated insensitively by her doctors (been there..) My daughter wasn't even going to mention me, but realized she needed encouragement for her friend and gave her a quick summary and a link to this blog.

There are all types of storms we "weather" down here in this life - death of someone we love, health crises, losing a job, waiting for the right person to share our life with...the list is endless.

The difference in how we make it through the storm is, who's walking with you? When my storm started 7 years ago, I didn't have much hope. Doctors told me I only had a 40% chance of surviving my surgery, and yet, I would be paralyzed without it; the average survival rate of someone with mulitple myeloma was 9 months without treatment, and 1-3 years with treatment. I was told by one doctor, it wasn't important how I got the disease, I could just ask Jesus when I got to heaven...ahhhh, the lack of "bedside manner" is staggering at times. The point is, I had a relationship with Jesus and hearing those hopeless words was still earth shattering. So God started to bring people into my life to encourage me, build my faith, and reveal His perfect will. I've learned quite well how desperate the enemy is to try and get us to "agree" with his "suggestions". Unfortunately, there are many people he uses to weave his lies and it looks like common sense, or simple truth. God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge and His truth goes beyond statistics, and science. The best illustration God used to keep this central truth rooted in me when it gets rough, is when Peter stepped out of the boat (comfort zone) and onto the water to walk to Jesus (Matthew 14:22-34). The waves that started crashing were real (don't deny the crises, the enemy will try to use that gameplan to defeat you, too), Jesus just said, "why did you doubt?" ie: keep your eyes on me. It seems so simple in theory, but it's so easy to lose that focus, and then you are going swimming. The good news is, even when we are weak, God's strength is perfected. He will pull you up out of the water and put your feet back on solid ground- just cry out to Him; He will do the rest.

Everytime the enemy has tried to push me down and discourage me and whisper his lies, Jesus comes to the rescue and reveals His truth. So, if you are going through a trial or storm, take heart, the one who created you, is the author and finisher of your life. One of God's promises to us is in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and NOT to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future." The Bible confirms to us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, unlike we humans who waver and change our mind.

Here are just some of the miracles God had done since my bone marrow transplant:

  • My white cells started regenerating at a rate the doctors don't typically see - I was in "recovery" after just a few days

  • I only needed one bag of blood for transfusion - again, my cells were regenerating rapidly

  • The nurses told me that I was the only patient in the transplant unit who didn't lose all of my hair,eyebrows, an eyelashes

  • I never had to wear a mask in the hospital or when I was dismissed (many transplant patients wear these for weeks until their cell counts return)

  • I returned to work 5 days after being released (mostly worked from home, but I went in everyday to get paperwork, work a couple of hours) - A case worker called me yesterday to find out if I thought I could return to work soon...haha. She almost fell out of her chair when I told her I already did 5 weeks ago.

  • My appetite completely returned after two weeks and I can smell and taste everything!! Strong Chemo drugs prevent many people from smelling or tasting food, indefinitely

  • My strength is awesome. I was told it takes 6 months to 1 year for your full strength to return - I'm at about 85% in just a few weeks - AMAZING

  • My kidneys which were almost in total failure 2 years ago this September, have been restored to full functioning.

  • My lab report from the Mayo clinic for a very specific Myeloma marker test, said "No evidence of M-spike found". That's the first time since my diagnosis 6 years ago, that I have seen those words written on my test results

These are just some of the miraculous things God has done to show how faithful and great He is.

I have had some really low moments throughout this journey, but God has walked with me through each valley all the way to the mountaintop, and He will do the same for you - He loves you.

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