Thursday, March 25, 2010

Worst Blogger Ever

Well, it is official...I am the worst blogger ever. It has been 6 months since my last entry. I have gone back for two "3 month checkups" since my last report, and the most recent was last Friday.
They monitor the disease every 3 months through lab test. This time they sent some to the Mayo Clinic that are more specific to Myeloma. Still seems weird seeing that word "normal cell" and "no morphology" on my pathology reports....but it's awesome. My doctor noted everything looks great and normal - still in a full remission. Praise Be to God. The main issue for me is the effect the disease has had on my skeletal structure. Last September my doctor reminded me that I am doing great, but my bones are "chewed up". I am praying for restoration of these old bones. With God ALL things are Possible! I never want to forget it's a miracle I am still walking around. God has pulled me out of the fire so many times, and allowed me to walk on top of the water when it was more logical for gravity to pull me under. The oral surgeon I went to a year ago who found the tumors in my mouth, remarked that most people at this stage of the disease are usually in a wheel chair because of pain and or inability to walk because of paralysis....yep and while I feel pain and certain parts of my back hurt in ways I can't even explain after carrying my computer bag, or my grandson, it's nothing compared to where I could be in this story of life and death. I am thrilled to still be on planet Earth, because this is where I am supposed to be right now - and it's all because of Him... I wrestled with God on many occasions and He just wouldn't let me go. I have more to say on this issue later, but for now this is my brief most immediate update. I have other stories to tell, but will break it down into separate entries.
And...for those of you supporting the "madness" that is the NCAA Tournament brackets..."Go Big Red"!! and thank you God for just letting me enjoy the simple things in this crazy world again.